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于 昕

教师姓名:于 昕




于昕,博士,副教授。研究方向包括昆虫分类学、动物系统学、进化生物学,研究内容为蜻蜓目昆虫分类学和以蜻蜓为主要研究模型的系统发育学、谱系地理学、多样性保护等研究,以及以昆虫,尤其水生昆虫为主要分析类群的环境生物学(生态环境评价、多样性分析)研究。已发表文章25篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI文章18篇,参加编写多部专著及教材,主持一项国家自然科学基金(普通面上),一项教育部博士点基金,和一项国际资助项目,主持编写中国首部蜻蜓的《三亿体育》,同时参与6国家级重大、重点项目。国际自然保护联盟IUCNSSC)蜻蜓专家组成员、国际蜻蜓协会WDA会员,为ZootaxaInternational Journal ofOdonatologyCretaceousResearchMitochondrial DNA (Part A)Animal Biodiversity andConservation、《三亿体育》等期刊审稿人。独立开发并维护中国蜻蜓研究网站(http://entomology.nankai.edu.cn/odonata/)。手机:18725846810,邮箱lannysummer@163.com



1.Junli Xue, Xin Yu*, Haiguang Zhang, XinChen & Wenjun Bu, 2017. Population genetics and ecological niche modelingshed light on conservation of the island endemic damselfly Pseudolestesmirabilis (Odonata, Pseudolestidae). Hydrobiologia, 790, 273–286, doi10.1007/s10750-016-3038-6.SCI文章】

2.Xin Yu, 2016. A description of the larva ofMesopodagrion tibetanum australe (Odonata: “Megapodagrionidae”), InternationalJournal of Odonatology, 19:4, 275-282, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13887890.2016.1259663.

3.Junli Xue, Xin Yu*, Haiguang Zhang, Xin Chen& Wenjun Bu, 2016. Population genetics and ecological niche modeling shedlight on conservation of the island endemic damselfly Pseudolestes mirabilis(Odonata, Pseudolestidae). Hydrobiologia, doi 10.1007/s10750-016-3038-6.

4.Xin Ning, Tom Kompier, Xin Yu* & Wenjun Bu,2016. Paracercion ambiguum sp. nov. from Lang Son, Vietnam (Zygoptera:Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 4144 (2), 263-275. http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4144.2.8

5.Xin Yu*, 2015. Firstrecord of Ceriagrion fallax Ris (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) preying onsmall web-building spiders (Arachnida: Tetragnathidae). International Journalof Odonatology, 18(2), 153-156.

6.Xin Yu*, Junli Xue, Matti Hämäläinen, Yang Liu andWenjun Bu*, 2015. A revised classification of the genus Matrona Selys,1853 三亿体育 molecular and morphological methods (Odonata: Calopterygidae). ZoologicalJournal of the Linnean Society, 174, 473-486.

7.Gengping Zhu*, Xin Yu* and Wenjun Bu, 2015. Ecologyand conservation of Pseudolestes mirabilis (Odonata: Zygoptera), adamselfly endemic to Hainan Island of China. Entomological Science, 18, 123-129.

8.XinYu & Wenjun Bu, 2014. Notes on theretractabilty of gill tufts in Pseudolestes mirabilis (Zygoptera:Pseudolestidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 17, Nos. 2-3, 123-126.

9.Jin Chen & Xin Yu*, 2013. Odonata diversityof the middle and lower reaches of the Red River basin, Yunnan, China. Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 1(9), 1-11.

10.Zhaoying Guan, Henri J. Dumont*, Xin Yu, Bo-PingHan* and Andy Vierstraete, 2013. Pyrrhosoma and its relatives: aphylogenetic study (Odonata: Zygoptera). International Journal of Odonatology,16(3), 247-257.

11.Xin Yu* & Jin Chen, 2013. Calicnemiasoccifera sp. nov. from Yunnan, China (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae).International Journal of Odonatology, 16(2), 183-188.

12.Ying Cui, Qiang Xie, Jimeng Hua, Kai Dang,Jianfu Zhou, Xiaoguang Liu, Gang Wang, Xin Yu, Wenjun Bu*, 2013. Phylogenomicsof Hemiptera (Insecta: Paraneoptera) based on mitochondrial genomes. SystematicEntomology, 38, 233–245.

13.Xin Yu, Wenjun Bu & Lin Zhu, 2012. Research advances in eco-environment assessment 三亿体育 dragonfly as abioindicator. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2012, 31(6), 1585-1590.

14.Xin Yu* & Matti Hämäläinen, 2012. Adescription of Echo perornata spec. nov. from Xizang (Tibet), China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa, 3218, 40-46.

15.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2011. A description ofthe larva of Pseudolestes mirabilis Kirby (Odonata: Pseudolestidae).International Journal of Odonatology, 14(2), 105-110.

16.Matti Hämäläinen, Xin Yu & Haomiao Zhang,2011. Descriptions of Matrona oreades spec. nov. and Matrona corephaea spec.nov.  from China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa, 2830, 20-28.

17.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2011. Chinesedamselflies of the genus Coenagrion (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 2808,31-40.

18.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2011. A preliminaryphylogenetic study of Megapodagrionidae with focus on Chinese genera SinocnemisWilson & Zhou and Priscagrion Zhou & Wilson (Odonata: Zygptera).Hydrobiologia, 665, 195-203.

19.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2009. Description of twonew damselflies, Protostictazhengi and Sinostictasylvatica,from China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa, 2245, 54-58.

20.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2009. A Revision of MesopodagrionMcLachlan, 1896 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae). Zootaxa, 2202,59-68.

21.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2008. A study on thegenus Calicnemia Strand in China, with the descriptions of two newspecies (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Odonatologica, 37(3), 247-255.

22.Xin Yu, 2008. Ovipositing of Ischnuraaurora.ECHO, 5, 2.

23.Xin Yu, Guohui Yang & Wenjun Bu, 2008. AStudy of the genus Pyrrhosoma from China with description of a newspecies (Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 33(2), 358-362.

24.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2007. Two new species ofCoenagrion Kirby, 1890, from China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae).Zootaxa, 1664, 55-59.

25.Xin Yu & Wenjun Bu, 2006. A Study on Odonata from Tianjin. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis, 39(4), 83-90.

26.李鹏,于昕,周长发,2005.中文蜻蜓常用名称考. 昆虫知识 42(4): 475-478.





nOdonata of Mt Dabieshan in centre of easternChina (International Dragonfly Fund)       2014-99,国际资助(IDF)2014.5-2014.111000欧元;
